How Does Volunteering Work?

Everyone can help a child learn to read and we encourage all members of the community to join us to support our children to become confident readers. We operate in schools across Gloucestershire and can usually offer you a school close by. We provide training in a number of different formats and regular social get togethers to share ideas.


Becoming a volunteer is a very rewarding role. Although we require you to complete paperwork and an online course, we promise it is worth it! Michelle, our Volunteer Liaison Manager and Sarah, our Training Manager, will be on hand to help throughout the process. Our courses can be delivered in alternative formats to make becoming a volunteer accessible to anyone. In order for you and the children to get the most out of our sessions, we ask that you’re committed to volunteering with us for at least 12 months.

“I spend a Wednesday morning reading with the year 1 & 2 at The British School, it is 2 very busy classrooms full of laughter and chatter from both the children and the staff. I am able to spend about 15 minutes with each child, not just supporting their reading skills but chatting about their morning or the story we have just read which often sparks lots of conversation. The children are generally really keen to show off their reading skills and are a joy to spend time with.” – Kirsty, Volunteer.

“Helping the children progress and nurturing their enthusiasm for reading as well as witnessing their improved personal confidence has been such a gift.” – Emma, Volunteer

Want To Learn More?

Speak to Michelle, our Volunteer Liaison Manager, to learn more about becoming a volunteer and how to sign up!

We work closely with a large number of schools across Gloucestershire. We’re always working with new schools; contact us if there’s a school near you that you think would benefit from working with Read With Me. 

Our Registration Process

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Make contact with our Volunteer Liaison Manager, Michelle, to begin your registration. Email her at She can answer any questions you have before signing up and provide you with our initial information pack. 

You’ll be pointed towards our online forms to submit all your details so we can keep in touch with you! From these details, we’ll be able to start discussing potential schools for you and times you can volunteer.

We will ask you to submit the names and email addresses of two referees – ideally one should have known you in a professional capacity but neither should be family members.

Once you are registered on our database and your references have been received you will be sent details about the online Safeguarding Children course we require all our volunteers to complete. At this point we will share information about our Policies and send you the Volunteer Agreement for you to sign and return. You will also be sent an Equality & Diversity form which is totally optional to complete and return.

Your chosen school will have been asked to process a DBS application for you. Once you are in receipt of the certificate you will need to send a copy to us and also take it with you into school on your first visit (a couple of our schools ask you have it with you every time you go in).

An induction session will be arranged at the school with one of the Read With Me staff members. They will ensure you are familiar with the school layout and where you are to be located as well as introducing you to key members of the school staff. They will talk through how a session works, how and where to record information and make you aware of who the school Designated Safeguarding Lead is. Finally, you will be given a pack of useful resources for your sessions, including reward stickers and your name lanyard. It is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have.

Once all final consent forms are completed and induction session done, you’re good to go! Our team is always just an email away if you need anything else. We also try to regularly visit our volunteers when they’re in school to check everyone is happy. As a volunteer, you’re also invited to all our volunteer meets and occasional coffee mornings!

“I love getting to know the children and having time to chat with them as well as hear them read. The class teacher is so pleased that I do that as they don’t always have the time to chat, discuss and widen the children’s knowledge of what they are reading about. Or find out what the child already knows and what they are really interested in!” – Chris, Volunteer

Getting Started as a Volunteer?

Visit our Volunteer Resources page to review our volunteering polices and guidelines.