Turning Pages into Purpose: The Benefits of Volunteering in 2024

As we step into the new year, let’s shift our focus from resolutions to making a real difference. Volunteering not only benefits the children in your local community, but also your own wellbeing!

The Impact of Volunteering:

Our volunteers provide one-to-one reading support to children in Gloucestershire so that they can learn to read well. However, this is only half the story; they also help children to develop the confidence and vital communication skills they need to reach their full potential. By becoming a Read With Me volunteer, you will help shape children’s futures whilst also finding fulfilment in the present. There is no better time to get involved with our work as we now hear more children read than ever before!

The Joy of Volunteering:  

Volunteering with us is a unique opportunity to create positive change whilst finding new meaning and purpose. Our volunteers regularly tell us how rewarding they find the experience – but don’t just take our word for it! Graham, a valued volunteer, shares why he enjoys his role:

I can honestly say that my present role as a reading aid in John Moore Primary School has been the best experience I have had since my official retirement in 1994…I had another great day yesterday at school, dealing with some delightful pupils, who never cease to amaze me…Thank you, once again, for giving me the opportunity to do something useful in the time that is still left to me.” 

For Graham, the benefits of volunteering extend far beyond helping children learn to read well. Graham’s role as a Read With Me volunteer has helped him to feel fulfilled during the golden years of retirement.

Opportunity for Shared Experiences:

For many people, January can be a challenging time. Volunteering can remedy this by creating opportunities to engage with like-minded individuals who share a passion for children’s literacy. At Read With Me, we hold regular volunteer meet-ups and opportunities to socialise with your fellow volunteers. Many of our volunteers also find the chats they have with pupils during their sessions to be the highlight of their day. We endeavour to create a community where everyone feels valued and as though they are making a difference. 

Voices from the Volunteer Community: 
Pupils at one of our partner schools.

Make sure you’re following us on social media where we regularly share stories, like Graham’s, from our volunteer community.  Each anecdote is a testament to the power of volunteering – both for the children and our volunteers. 

Find us on every platform!

Facebook: ReadWithMe2020

Instagram: ReadWithMeOrg

Twitter/X: Read_With_Me_

To join us on this journey of giving back and creating connections that go beyond the pages of a book, visit our dedicated volunteer page https://www.readwithme.org.uk/for-volunteers/.

Or email Julie@readwithme.org.uk, our Volunteer Liaison Manager, to find out more!